What are steroids? Do they have any side effects?
What are Steroids?
Steroids are hormones that are injected into the body, which in return boost athletic performance.
The effects of steroids are fairly consistent. They help the body synthesize protein at a a quicker rate, repair damaged muscle tissue, increase energy, strengthen bones, and increase concentration levels. (British Journal of Pharmacology, 2008)
This results in an increase of muscle mass, while also helping reduce many preventable illnesses.
Do they have any side effects?
Steroids may seem like a great solution to staying healthy. It has been shown to decrease the likelihood of depression, increase memory, and increase alertness. This miracle supplement does come with its side effects though. Extreme research must be done before deciding if taking steroids is right for you.
Side Effects:
-Increased Clitoris Size
-Increased Libido
-Withdrawal Depression
-Increased Risk of Stroke
-Testicular Atrophy
-Liver Damage
-Destructive Impulses